Juvel's Madness

Daca tot e vorba de nebunie,din ce am vazut cea mai cantata melodie pe la chefuri e "Nebunia lui Juvel".E brici melodia nu am ce zice.Fetele isi baga unghia in gat de ciuda ca baietii se holbeaza la fundul tipelor din clip."Apoi ce ca melodia e naspa si baietii se uita numai la fundul lor".Hehe,ciuda ciuda ciuda!

Ce treaba am eu cu melodia asta? Ma gandeam si eu asa...din nebunia mea sa vad ce iasa daca incerc sa o traduc si eu in engleza.Bineinteles,o engleza putin de balta fara rima.Versuri,asa si asa.Dati drumul la muzica si cititi versurile.Sanatate!

Juvel’s Madness

And a real sooooong,that is on the value…hă-hă-hă-hă-hă

For you I prepared something
And it spund’s like this….rrrrrrrapppp
Juvel’s Madness
Bugutu,come everybody in the legs
Ragata,because it’s a big madness
Goooooood bless you…..hehehehehehe

Bugutu-ragata-bu and if you’re fealing good
Bugutu-ragata-bu come near me
Bugutu-ragata-bu come after me
Bugutu-ragata-bu bu ragamo
Bugutu-ragata-bu and if you’re fealing good
Bugutu-ragata-bu come near me
Bugutu-ragata-bu make you to the same
Because this is Juvel’s Madness

Come because I come come come
With a bottle of vine
Come because I come come come
To cool you down a little bit

Stay because I come come come
With a bottle of vine
Come because I come come come
To faint you down

Give hard in the loudspeakers
Because these girls have no patience
Give it hard,give how much you want
Give the music hard how the girls like

The girls with mini up on table and on the floor
Bikini bikini to be seen more beautifull
Mini mini mini,come all the girls
Bikini bikini,oooooh my mother

Bugutu-ragata-bu and if you’re fealing good
Bugutu-ragata-bu come near me
Bugutu-ragata-bu come after me
Bugutu-ragata-bubu-raga mo
Bugutu-ragata-bu and if you’re fealing good
Bugutu-ragata-bu come near me
Bugutu-ragata-bu make you to the same
Because this is Juvel’s Madness
Come on,come on, come on, come on
Ha          ha          ha           ha

Rap      rap       rap       rap
come on,come on,come-come on,come-come on

Come on dance dance dance
Everybody on the balance
Come on dance dance dance
Nobody goes home

Come on dance dance dance
The girls and the boys
The music on the fur
Until the wall is shaking

Move on the left,move on the right
Look how the girl is dancing
Come take her from the middle,don’t stay still
You don’t see she’s hot and maybe the poor girl is burning.

She’s got şale,she’s got bass,she’s got ham and she’s got step
She has all she want’s because she’s good the crazy girl
And maybe she’s made for my measurement

Come near me,if you feel the same
Because this is Juvel’s Madness
Come with me,it’s my pleasure
Because this is my madness…mână băă!

Bugutu-ragata-bu and if you’re fealing good
Bugutu-ragata-bu come near me
Bugutu-ragata-bu come after me
Bugutu-ragata-bubu-raga mo
Bugutu-ragata-bu and if you’re fealing good
Bugutu-ragata-bu come near me
Bugutu-ragata-bu make you to the same
Because this is Juvel’s Madness

Come on,come on, come on, come on
Ha          ha          ha           ha
Rap      rap       rap       rap
come on,come on,come-come on,come-come on

Juvele,ce ra*at…

Because I like the women (us twooo)
And to empty the bottles (us twooo)
With the good one’s to get into account (us twooo)
Many people say I’m a big “panaram” (us twooo)

Come near me if you are the same
Because this is Juvel’s Madness
Come with me,it’s my pleasure
Because this is my madness

The girls with mini up on table and on the floor
Bikini bikini to be seen more beautifull
Mini mini mini,come all the girls
Bikini bikini,oooooh my mother

Bugutu-ragata-bu and if you’re fealing good
Bugutu-ragata-bu come near me
Bugutu-ragata-bu ra-ca-tacataca-bugutu come after me
Bugutu-ragata-bu and if you’re fealing good
Bugutu-ragata-bu come near me
Bugutu-ragata-bu come after me
Bugutu-ragata-bu bââââârrrrrr iaca-mo
Bugutu-ragata-bu and if you’re fealing good
Bugutu-ragata-bu come near me
Bugutu-ragata-bu make you to the same
Because this is Juvel’s Madness…

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